Welcome to my blog - why haiku? Why not? I look at the world throug my camera and haiku is the best and simpliest way to comment what I can see around. All photos are mine, haiku unfortunately not. Enjoy. j.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Somewhere under these great piles of snow,the flowers of spring lie dreaming
Girls' " Sweet " Day
The set of ornamental dolls "Hina-Ningyō" stood in line.
It is a thing to celebrate Hina-matsuri (Girls' Day March 3).
In a show case, I see the cakes w...
The End
*This blog has come to an end.*
*Thank you so much to all followers and readers, it's been great fun.*
*Photos will continue being posted on Oeiras and Envir...
Keukenhof - Spring is comming
On the beginning really sorry that in previous time I didn’t write
Sometimes a life surprises us something new which we have to discover,
Photos from last Journaling Session...
All my pictures wouldn't transfer because somehow I had them in "action".
They would not copy over here. :( Sorry, I don't know what I pressed by
Some of these pictures are very similar to the ones taken in 2006. Check
the differences :-)
Mount Vic has the misfortune of being the current village undergoing the
never ending roadwork on the highway. But good progress is being made and
the ...
New Blog - Bonjour et Bon Voyage
Bonjour beautiful people!
Thanks for visiting!
We are now publishing Bonjour et Bon Voyage in a NEW BLOG.
We are waiting for you all there!
Please click...
The mango on the floor
serves as a delicious banquet
for the brave coati.
A manga no chão
é delícia de banquete
ao bravo quati.
img - by Daniel Rocke...
Koniec urlopu i koniec blogu
Wiele lat prowadziłam ten blog. Namówiła mnie do tego Kama, a ja opierałam
się wszelkimi odnóżami, bo nie wydawało mi się, by temat był ciekawy, by
blog o...
Ikea Food And Restaurant
Not Just Furniture Ikea S Restaurant Bistro And Food Market Will Be Closed
Too Home Decor Singapore Ikea Restaurant Ikea Meatballs Ikea Singapore Ikea
Facade with flamenco dresses
[image: Facade with flamenco dresses, Calle Ancha del Carmen, Málaga]
Facade with flamenco dresses
Calle Ancha del Carmen
Cecile's French Corner - Mount Dora, Florida
The outdoor eating area at Cecile's French Corner in Mt. Dora, Florida.
The following comes from the Internet:
"Mount Dora is a city in central Florid...
Probando mi nueva cámara.
El pasado mes de Julio me compré cámara nueva. Me ha dado pena por mi vieja
Fujifilm S5 Pro, ya que me ha dado un montón de alegrías en todos estos
años y ...
Pond in the Sports Park
This pond is located in Funabashi city sports park.
When I was young, I used to play baseball at the stadium in the park
These days, I enjoy walking on th...
Sunset at Phnom Bakheng
Unfortunately, the skies were hazy during all of our time at the *Angkor*
temple complex, so we never really got a mindblowing sunrise or sunset. The
Spring Training
The Boston Red Sox conduct spring training at JetBlue Park in Fort Myers.
It is a noisy environment with loud music and party-like festivities.
The wom...
Veera Narayana Temple, Belavadi
Veera Narayana Temple located in Belavadi is an ancient 12th century
temple carved in soapstone. This temple comprising of three shrines was
built during ...
Happy New Year 2019 / 20
Well hello from my local village green in between Christmas and New Year.
I'm still active on here although only just and wondering how many other
Nice Letter Tracing Sheets for Our Kids
This is post is about *letter tracing sheets* that will be useful for our
kids. Visit dearjoya.com website and find a lot of kids activity printable
in there.
Our doggy D'ora is gone...
It's bad news, our sweet little darling doggy D'Ora died last September. We
spent a wonderful time together in summer, but then she had to surrender to
[image: The sky out of the window, Via Borsi, Livorno]
The sky out of the window, Via Borsi.
Il cielo fuori della finestra, via Borsi.
Ultime billet de ce blog...
J'ai envoyé copie de cette lettre à mon frère.
Hier à 19h51, j'ai reçu un message vocal de sa part, dont je vous laisse
seuls juges de la teneur :
*Ouais ...
Neighbourhood of Vallecas ( I )
I hope starting two series, one of the neighbourhood I am living in,
Tetuan. It is situated in the northern part of Madrid. There is one photo
posted las...
The fisherwoman cleans the fish before making the sale. This is the service
provided by almost all fish vendors. The photo is of a fisherwoman selling
L'électricité de Nice ...
L'électricité a Nice est un gros problème car l'installation est tres
vétuste et de nombreuses coupures de courant ou de baisses de tension
Reflecting Pool
Figueira da Foz & Buarcos - This is The Reflecting Pool plaza. To the right
of the picture is the Atlantic Ocean, and straight ahead is the Mondego
2012-05-12 - Source of the Saar
When I reached this sign, I completed my goal of following the River Saar
(or Sarre in French) by bike all the way from Konz, where it flows into the
Millions of years of wind, water and erosion have created the awesome
beauty of the
Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
This is me trying to get a...
Sure, winters are tough...
but you can always go outside and pick some fresh bananas (if you live in
the tropics--or, in my case, the quasi-tropics).
Winter beauty
I'm so sorry I've neglected my Snowflower bog. I'm too busy with my
studies. These are some photos from Macedonia. I went home for the winter
holidays. ...
R.I.P. My Dear Mum
My dear Mum passed away recently, aged 93. She had been in residential
care and seemed fine physically. One weekend morning in March I had a call
Karla revisited
We visited Karla after almost more than a decade. And we loved every minute
of it.
We drove down from Mumbai on the Expressway and the drive was uneven...
Bourdenay, France
* To Bourdenay στη Γαλλία*
Bourdenay is a commune in the Aube department, which is located in the
Grand Est region of north-central France. It is a small ru...
In Search of Willafjord
Shetland fiddler Maurice Henderson has released a new book documenting his
adventure to Greenland in search of the origins of a well-kent tune he
learned a...
I am not positive about the flowers of spring dreaming of me, but I know I am dreaming of them!
Providing hope that is more than needed, as even though its nearly 20C outside, life felt frezing cold.
With such a cold winter I am sure the flower are dreaming of coming out with the weak spring sun. Greetings.
Piekne kolory. Uzywałas filtra?
W pierwszej chwili myślałam, ze to wodospad. Ślepota :-D
It is wonderful to know that it's about to a give birth.
Wonderful winter landscape!
I like the light idea of blue in all!
I love this - I think we are all dreaming of the Spring to come. A x
Welcom back Joo!
__I can feel the green vibrating under the snow!
under this drift a fern
Beautiful photo! :)
We have sunshine and it is 41 degrees here. Just beautiful.
the edge of my sky
pushes up at dawn's early light
see these sticks seek sun.
Amazing shades of blue! Welcome back, Joo! :-)
I like those words, reminds me of the song 'The Rose'
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