Shichi - Go -San ( seven - five - three )
Shichi-Go-San is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Far east.
For three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys, held
2 months ago
Lovely light in the full heads of seeds ... beautiful
I'm amazed at how you find photographs so appropriate for the haiku (or vice versa)...I think you have a gift. This is so perfect!
the Tall grass
my admiration.
Lovely one, Joo.
Autumn is inspiring our hearts! Lovely picture!
I like them all. You do down to earth photogrophy and I love it. Thank you for your comments about my early birthday, present, I had talked to HP about repairs on one and they estimated 300.00 to fix it. The sales person that I spoke with talked about having 2 hard drives and all so I said yes. Then when I found out about the specialist for lungs I said I was going to cancel it to Joe and he told me he planned that as a birthday present for my bIrthday .I really was surprised. I love it but I am not used to it.
Jeux du soleil dans les herbes ... faciles à voir, difficiles à immortaliser. Joli !
The tall grass is a great deer hideout! I came across one last summer, she was just standing there, trying to beat the heat! :)
great lighting!
Yes, wonderful both : the photo and the words!
Lovely autumn sunlight too. A x
Autumn sun makes everyone wake up.
Time to reach the roots of life, again.
Please have a wonderful Thursday.
daily athens
beautiful photos
very nice blog
To słońce w trawach, słoneczne powietrze - jesień w najpiękniejszej odsłonie! A gdy powiększyć zdjęcie, to jeszcze refleksy światła układają się w tęczę, bajkowo :)
Dobrze jest oglądać takie fotografie, gdy za oknem szaro i mgliście.
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