ZEN Temple Eihei-ji in Winter
Eihei-ji Temple is one of the oldest temples belonging to the Zen Soto sect
which the priest Dōgen did a founder.
It was founded to 1244.
These outski...
15 hours ago
Have the best new year you've ever had.
Brrrr... Now that look cold! But beautiful. Happy New Year, Joo.
A great photo to end one year and begin another, and believe me, we'll be walking that road with you into 2011 and looking forward to sharing photos and memories and joyful times together - if only via the Internet!
Or, maybe in person. Who knows. You would like to visit The Villages and we'd like to visit Poland...we'll just have to see what the gods have in store...
Do Siego Roku!
Great photo at the end of the year. Look forward to new amsterpieces 2011.
Happy New Year!!
A happy healthy New Year to you as well Joo! I am so happy we found each other through blogging:)
Wow! the loneliness and joviality juxtaposed makes for a great haiku;
Peace Love and Joy
All the best to you my dear friend! Take care, and keep snapping those wonderful photos!
It's already 2011 here.
~Happy New Year 2011~
Thank you, Joo.
Joo, I want to thank you for all of the wonderful photos you have blessed us with and a Happy New Year to you and family
Droga Joo, niech ten rok będzie jak najlepszy, pełen szczęścia! Po prostu dobry rok, wśród dobrych ludzi.
Tak piękny jak to zdjęcie...
Dziękuję za wrażenia, piękno fotografii i wierszy tutaj, za piękne podróże po moich wymarzonych miastach w Urban Stories. Wspaniale się dopełniają... Dla mnie to zawsze chwila wytchnienia i czystej radości - a to ogromnie cenne. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku :)
Happy, Healthy New Year!
Be happy!
May this be a year with your path lit by wonder, like your lovely photo.
Oooo, a grand and snowy pathway, Joo; a fine photo that pulls the seer in!
this silent walk
a dream
Joo... best wishes for 2011, 'twill be yours before it reaches us!
Looks like a new beginning, a new road, a new life.
Please have you a wonderful happiness filled new year.
I hope you have a very happy new year.
it is A wonderful 2011.
For you and yours, this year is filled with healthy and prosperity and delight.
I dedicate special thanks to your support.
Thank you.
i love the Haiku and the picture. Well the road ahead is beautiful and the waiting at the end of the year.
I wish you A Lovely New Year!
very beautiful image for today. Happy New Year's! Have a great day with family and friends.
Joo, beautiful image! I wish you a very happy and healthy New Year!
Very nice picture! I like it a lot. Have a nice new year.
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