ZEN Temple Eihei-ji in Winter
Eihei-ji Temple is one of the oldest temples belonging to the Zen Soto sect
which the priest Dōgen did a founder.
It was founded to 1244.
These outski...
16 hours ago
That is saying, it's cold, I had better run.
W pochmurne zimowe dni woda strumieni jest prawie czarna, taki czarno-biały zimowy pejzaż.
Ostatnio próbowałam fotografować taki spieszący się nurt rzeki nieopodal starego młyna. Biegnie szybko - jak czas.
Gravity here too, as the previous icycles!
__Two great photos Joo! _m
my thoughts
hurrying to send
you a hug.
I love this photo, Joo.
and I love the header photo. I see two upside-down hearts. Feel free to see my heart blog and you can join the heart fun if you want.
Always in a hurry those streams aren't they?
:) Nice photo!
We are like a stream - hurry up somewhere
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