ZEN Temple Eihei-ji in Winter
Eihei-ji Temple is one of the oldest temples belonging to the Zen Soto sect
which the priest Dōgen did a founder.
It was founded to 1244.
These outski...
1 day ago
As if the forest is about to awake. Rising back into life.
Please have you all a good new week ahead.
Joo, niech wiosna przyniesie Ci tylko dobre chwile! Tak długo oczekiwana... Piękny wiersz jak zwykle w idealnej harmonii ze zdjęciem. I z tym, co za oknem... Niech smutki pójdą precz, razem z zimą.
Bardzo się cieszę, że Ira ma się już lepiej, dopiero dziś dowiaduję się o tym zmartwieniu, będę więc trzymać kciuki - niech zdrowieje jak najprędzej :)
Ira's health is the most important thing...perhaps spring arriving is an arbiter of a joyous and healthy future!
Nice forestal photo. I hope Ira is getting better. Greetings.
Great news Joo! Hope Ira continues to do well! Yey spring!!!
Bello il riflesso.
Very excellent picture, and give Ira a kiss for me and everybody.
That's great news, I'm sending love and purrs for sweet Ira!
so glad all is well Joo!
Such a beautiful image, Joo!
Good news about Ira.
Beautiful picture with a very nice haiku.
All the best for you.
Juan Antonio
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